Aquaculture CIG: Feed resilience and novel aquafeed ingredients | Seafish

Aquaculture CIG: Feed resilience and novel aquafeed ingredients

Date: 17 March 2021

Time: 14:00 - 15:30

Location: Online

Register for event
This meeting will look at the resilience of conventional and novel aquafeed ingredients.

This Aquaculture Common Issues Group (ACIG) bite-size meeting will look at the resilience of the supplies of conventional aquafeed ingredients and how the feed industry is handling the challenges and changes to farmers’ sourcing policies. It will also look at the challenges faced in marine ingredient supply chains and the novel alternative aquafeed ingredients being developed.

A bag of harvested mussels onboard a fishing vessel
A bag of harvested mussels onboard a fishing vessel

Event Programme

Introductions and general housekeeping
How the supply chain views the changing philosophy of standard setters in regard to aquafeed composition and sustainability
  • TBC
Independent view of the progress that is being made by innovators and also the challenge that comes with changing mind-sets to speed up adoption of novel feed ingredients
  • Marcela Navarro
    CEO, Feed-X
Building resilience into feed ingredient souring policies and the associated operational challenges/opportunities
  • James Deverill
    Commercial & Country Director CQN Scotland, EWOS/Cargill Aqua Nutrition
End of event

How to register

To register for this event please contact Karen Green, Industry Issues and Communications.

Further information

Please note, there is a maximum capacity of 100 attendees for this webinar.

Once you've successfully registered for this event, you will receive an event registration confirmation email from Eventbrite, which will include the link to access the event.

About the Aquaculture Common Issues Group (ACIG) 

The ACIG provides a safe meeting space to discuss the environmental, legal and production challenges facing the industry to deliver responsibly farmed finfish and shellfish. People take part to keep-up-to-date with the latest developments, to be part of a cross-industry discussion and listen to the issues raised by other parts of the industry. They can also raise their own issues, network with other people or make new contacts. The group is led by our industry and we take responsibility for running the ACIG. The ACIG brings together stakeholders who represent the retail, producers, food service and restaurant industry. Other people who attend are not-for-profit environmental voluntary groups, consumer groups, government, scientists and industry bodies.

ACIG monthly news updates

To find out more about the group and the topics discussed you can sign up to receive the ACIG monthly news update, which includes details on how to register for the various group meetings. Once you have filled in your details you will be given the option to register to receive any of the Seafish newsletters. 

Seafood Issues Groups

The ACIG is one of a number of Seafish-facilitated discussion forums which focus on the integrity of the seafood supply chain. These groups provide a discussion platform for some of the most important issues facing the seafood industry, particularly in relation to the responsible sourcing of seafood. They are an opportunity for all those involved in the seafood supply chain to reach a consensus on common issues.

Our Seafood Issues Groups include: