The Common Language Group | Seafish

The Common Language Group

A group to bring together people who want to know more about the environmental, legal and production issues facing the UK seafood supply chain.

The Common Language Group (CLG) provides a safe meeting space to discuss the key issues facing a responsible seafood supply chain. The topics covered include fisheries management, legal fishing, fishing methods and how to trace and track seafood along the supply chain. It also covers how seafood is bought and eaten in and out of the home. It is an opportunity to share new ideas or case studies from around the world.

The group is led by our industry and we take responsibility for running the CLG. The Group has met three times a year since 2007. The CLG brings together people who represent the retail, processing, food service and restaurant industry. Other people who attend are not-for-profit voluntary groups, consumer groups, governments, scientists and producer organisations.

CLG meetings and bite-size meetings

There are generally three meetings a year. The presentations and minutes from the most recent meetings are below. Presentations and minutes from previous meetings are available from Karen Green.

We are running a mix of in person meetings and shorter online bite-size CLG sessions at the moment.

Next meeting

The next CLG meeting will be in the autumn 2024. For further information, please contact: Karen Green

Previous two meetings

Geopolitical events and seafood trade (18 July 2024). The morning session focussed on the impact of geopolitical events on seafood trade resilience and what impact they have had on UK and global seafood trade. The afternoon looked at initiatives and opportunities to build resilience in UK supply chains, and the role that certification, sourcing codes and Fishery Improvement Projects play in providing assured benefits along the entire supply chain. Please contact Karen Green for access to the presentations from this meeting.

How the seafood industry must back up sustainability claims (26 March 2024). With two Directives in the pipeline, and a series of lawsuits related to seafood sustainability claims and eco-labels that have impacted the marketing strategies of seafood businesses, there has been a shift in reporting responsibility. This meeting will look at the implications of the new sustainability reporting frameworks for the UK and global seafood supply chains. Please view the presentations:

CLG meeting notes

CLG monthly newsletters

We send monthly emails with a round up of stories, research and projects in the seafood industry. Subscribe to receive our monthly update and meeting details.

Terms of Reference and archive


For further information, please contact: Karen Green