Aquaculture Common Issues Group — Seafish

Aquaculture Common Issues Group

The Aquaculture Common Issues Group (ACIG) brings people together to discuss environmental, legal and production issues facing UK/overseas aquaculture

The ACIG provides a safe meeting space to discuss the key challenges facing the industry to deliver responsibly farmed finfish and shellfish. People take part to keep-up-to-date with the latest developments, to be part of a cross-industry discussion and listen to the issues raised by other parts of the industry. They can also raise their own issues, network with other people or make new contacts.

The group is led by our industry and we take responsibility for running the ACIG. The Group has met twice a year since 2009. The ACIG brings together people who represent the retail, producers, food service and restaurant industry. Other people who attend are not-for-profit environmental voluntary groups, consumer groups, government, scientists and industry bodies.

There are generally two meetings a year. The presentations and minutes from the most recent meetings are below. Presentations and minutes from previous meetings are available from Karen Green.

We are running a mix of in person meetings and shorter online bite-size ACIG sessions at the moment.

Next meeting

The next meeting will be online in the autumn 2024. For further information please contact Karen Green

Previous two meetings

ACIG in person meeting. Aquaculture innovation and supply chain resilience (25 June 2024). This meeting looked closely at innovative approaches to support supply chain resilience in the UK aquaculture sector. The morning session looked at building resilience to address water quality, climate change and welfare issues. The afternoon session focussed on the UK aquaculture market and consumer demand, and the development of innovative new production methods. Please contact Karen Green for access to the presentations from this meeting.

ACIG bite-size online session. Government and policy initiatives to support UK aquaculture (23 November 2023). This meeting looked at how Government policy is aiming to support the growth of the finfish, shellfish and seaweed farming sectors, as well as the wider aquaculture supply chain in the UK. See the presentations:

ACIG meeting notes 

ACIG monthly newsletter

We send monthly emails with a round up of stories, research and projects in the seafood industry. Subscribe to receive our monthly update and meeting details.

Terms of Reference and archive


For further information please contact Karen Green