The Seafood Ethics Common Language Group | Seafish

The Seafood Ethics Common Language Group

A group which brings people together to find out more about ethical sourcing and issues concerning labour and worker welfare.

The Seafood Ethics Common Language Group (SECLG) provides a safe meeting space to discuss the key ethical issues faced by the international seafood industry. The group looks at social welfare issues that affect the UK seafood supply chain, whether in the UK or seafood imported into the UK. This covers human trafficking, labour abuses, child labour, debt bondage, forced labour, migrant workers, and modern slavery. It is an opportunity to share new ideas or best practice case studies from around the world.

The group is led by our industry and we take responsibility for running the SECLG. The Group has met twice a year since 2014. The SECLG brings together seafood industry representatives from major supermarket chains, smaller retailers, processors, foodservice and the catching sector.  Other people who attend are not-for-profit voluntary groups, welfare charities, consumer groups, government and social research scientists.

There are generally two meetings a year. The presentations and minutes from the most recent meetings are below. Presentations and minutes from previous meetings are available from Karen Green.

We are running a mix of in person meetings and shorter online bite-size SECLG sessions at the moment.

Next meeting

The next SECLG meeting will be in the autumn 2024. For further information, please contact: Karen Green

Previous two meetings

SECLG in person meeting. Social indicators - SECLG ten years on (10 July 2024). SECLG first met in July 2014, and since then has provided a forum to bring together seafood stakeholders to look at human rights issues in seafood supply chains, explore shared collective solutions and collaborate. This meeting looked at what has happened in the last ten years, and looked ahead at the new Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CS3D) and what this will mean going forward. Please contact Karen Green for access to the presentations from this meeting.

How the seafood supply chain is addressing emerging issues and challenges (5 March 2024). There are complex issues and concerns about labour and human rights issues, across many countries and a wide range of products. This challenges the reputation of the seafood sector and is too big and too complex an issue for any individual company or organisation to tackle on its own. This meeting will be an opportunity to look at some of the initiatives that have been developed, or are developing now, to address these issues. Please look at the presentations:

SECLG meeting notes

SECLG monthly newsletters

We send monthly emails with a round up of stories, research and projects in the seafood industry. Subscribe to receive our monthly update and meeting details.

Terms of Reference and archive

Our social responsibility work


For further information, please contact: Karen Green