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We found 227 results for "responsible sourcing guides" in Web pages
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Guides to explain sustainability and related issues
Our Sustainability and Data Advisor introduces our latest set of guides on issues relating to sustainability and responsible sourcing of seafood. -
Verité Responsible Sourcing Tool
Responsible sourcing tool from Verité. -
Understanding sustainability and responsible seafood sourcing
We’ve collated information and guidance on sustainability, responsible sourcing and related challenges and initiatives across seafood supply chains. -
Responsible Business Alliance (RBA)
The Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) is the world’s largest industry coalition for corporate social responsibility in global supply chains. -
Responsible Recruitment Toolkit
The Responsible Recruitment Toolkit provides a framework and pragmatic steps to eradicate fee-charging to the worker. -
Demystifying fisheries assessment and management practices
Bill Lart, Sustainability and Data Advisor within our Responsible Sourcing team, introduces Seafish’s new sustainable fisheries assessment and management guides. -
Responsible sourcing
The UK works hard to ensure it has a responsible seafood industry. Find out how to make your business more environmentally and socially responsible. -
Responsible Fishing Vessel Standard (RFVS)
The Responsible Fishing Vessel Standard (RFVS) is a voluntary vessel based programme. -
FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries
The FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries recognises the nutritional, economic, social, environmental and cultural importance of fisheries. -
How the seafood industry can deliver climate change mitigation
Our Head of Responsible Sourcing talks about climate change mitigation and the importance of low carbon emissions in seafood production -
Verité Responsible Sourcing Tool: Explore risk
There are a number of freely available compliance tools from Verité which can help a seafood business explore risk by documenting human rights risks. -
Tackling climate change between the COPs
Our Head of Responsible Sourcing talks about our ongoing work on climate change and seafood as the 27th UN climate change conference gets underway.