Web pages — Seafish

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We found 191 results for "UK Sea Fish Industry Map - United Kingdom" in Web pages
  • Allergens Courses and Guidance

    Seafood business operators must ensure that staff receive appropriate allergens training. Find out what training is available.
  • Bivalve Purification Management

    This seafood course focuses on the procedures and management controls required to ensure safer live bivalves are available for sale to the public.
  • Assessment of Worker Welfare Issues

    We have published various research studies to assess risk and help seafood businesses respond to labour and worker welfare issues.
  • Businesses in scope

    Businesses that need to pay plastic packaging tax must register with HMRC. Find out information on how to check if you are liable.
  • Market Insight

    We provide data, trends, and insight relating to the UK seafood market. This content is for seafood businesses only and requires registration.
  • Commercial fishing online training resources

    Free access to online learning resources for those working on commercial fishing vessels in the UK.
  • Seafood trade & tariff data

    Our Trade and Tariff Tool has data for seafood imported and exported in the UK. Businesses can use it to research potential new markets.
  • Seafood trade and Brexit

    Most of the seafood caught in UK waters is exported and most of that export goes to the EU. We publish research and data on seafood trade in the EU.
  • Subscribe to news from Seafish

    Get the latest updates from Seafish straight to your email inbox. Subscribe to the update that's right for you from our list of digital news alerts.
  • Starting an aquaculture business

    Choosing the correct species and sites are some of the most crucial decisions a culturist must make.
  • Trading seafood under the Northern Ireland Protocol

    Explanation of customs, tariffs and VAT rules for moving seafood between Great Britain and Northern Ireland and between Northern Ireland and the EU.