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We found 23 results for "Sustainable Production of Native Oyster Spat Final" in Documents

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    Northern Ireland Scallop Larval Dispersal Background Study

    he Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute (AFBI), Seafish and the Northern Ireland (NI) Scallop Association have recently completed a report investigating the optimal areas for scallop reseeding in the Irish Sea. This work was commissioned due to an increase in exploitation of scallops around the NI coastline and a desire by industry to be proactive in enhancing long-term sustainability of stocks. Sites selected through industry engagement as proposed reseeding sites were examined by AFBI scientists to ensure that they met the characteristics required for successful settlement of scallops. Seabed habitat maps were combined to provide information for the full sea area under consideration. Scallop catches from the annual AFBI scallop survey were mapped with the full habitat map to determine the areas where scallops were present and identify the underlying habitat type. This allowed a map to be created which showed the suitable habitat for adult scallops within NI waters. All of the proposed reseeding sites fell within areas of suitable habitat. To examine further characteristics of the proposed sites, a combination of measured and modelled data was used. Salinity, food availability, bed stress (natural physical disturbance of the seabed by wave action and/or tidal currents), particulate inorganic matter, suspended particulate matter, abundance of predators, spawning season, larval dispersal and hydrodynamic models were all considered. The above information was presented to the project steering group, and using the data provided, the steering group selected the most suitable sites for reseeding from the original 13 proposed sites. Three reseeding sites (Whitehead, Drumfad Bay and South Bay) have initially been proposed, with a fourth, Roaring Rock, having potential for any future reseeding plans. The NI Scallop Association will now present the results of this work to DAERA to ask for regulation to assist in the protection of these new areas through a ban on mobile fishing gear.
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    Development of a Generic Shellfish Hatchery Design with Associated Spatting Ponds

    The SIP project output examines opportunities for aquaculture in/around enclosed marine water bodies, as well as the development of a generic design for a shellfish hatchery - the proposed Tidal Lagoon in Swansea Bay (TLSB) case study is a significant focus
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    A review of the services provided by Seafish in relation to UK aquaculture industry

    This interim report is submitted to Seafish as part of the assignment titled ‘A review of the services provided by Seafish in relation to the UK aquaculture industry’. The preparation of this report represents Deliverable 3 of the assignment. The structure and content of the report is based on previous agreement between the contractor and the client as presented in the inception report. The contractors seek review, comments and approval from Seafish on this interim report.
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    Use of shell in aggregates_B54

    Shell waste is a major financial and operational burden on the shellfish industry. Although there are, in theory, many uses for shell, there is no singular solution to treat or utilise these materials as by-products and little infrastructure to take shell across the UK. Where infrastructure exists, it is often disjointed or only works on a localised level. Seafood processors are often unaware of potential opportunities. Most processors rely on disposal outlets which can cost up to £150 per tonne of waste making it a very costly problem. This study has undertaken an assessment of the availability of suitable shellfish waste for aggregate applications. In summary, ~43,000t of shell aggregates could be available from the current production of cockle, crab, mussel, oyster, whelk, queen and king scallops. An assessment has been made regarding the availability of these different shell types, market opportunities, technologies to treat the shell and costs.
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    Feasibility of an Aquaculture and Fisheries Research and Development Centre at Brixham Laboratory Final Report: Findings and Recommendations

    The report presents the outcome of a feasibility study, supported by Seafsh, for developing an aquaculture and fsheries research and development centre at a laboratory facility in Brixham. (formerly AstraZeneca’s, but transferred to Plymouth University two years ago). The proposed concept was a full-service operation that could support the UK seafood industry - including fsheries and aquaculture supply chains - with market-led research, development and analytics capabilities.
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    Strategic Framework for seafood waste management

    In late 2004, Defra tasked Seafish with carrying out a review of the options available for managing seafood waste, within the context of waste policy and legislation. This required a review of the types, quantities and origin of seafood waste, consideration of the timescale for industry to achieve compliance and an assessment of the measures required in the interim. This report provides an overview of the current situation and the options available for seafood waste management. It provides a strategic framework for the seafood industry to move from the current difficulties towards the overall strategic aims of reducing waste, minimising costs and maximising revenue. This is set within a 10 year timescale with prioritised short, medium and long-term objectives.
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    B40_Abalone Feed Requirements

    Abalone naturally eat seaweed of which some less abundant species are preferred. In culture situations where seaweed sources are considered it will be necessary to demonstrate that operations are sustainable to ensure no significant impact on the marine ecosystem. Furthermore, when abalone culture is proposed in Special Areas of Conservation (SAC’s) a higher level of ‘Appropriate Assessment’ will be required. This report is a guidance document to help address some of these issues and present options for individual scheme consideration.
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    Aquaculture Opportunities for Enclosed Marine Water Bodies – Tidal Lagoon Swansea Bay Case Study

    The SIP project output examines opportunities for aquaculture in/around enclosed marine water bodies, as well as the development of a generic design for a shellfish hatchery - the proposed Tidal Lagoon in Swansea Bay (TLSB) case study is a significant focus
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    Climate change adaptation in aquaculture sourced seafood - full report

    The report concerns UK seafood supply chains reliant on domestic and international aquaculture production. It covers major impacts from key climate change drivers, from production to processing, and sets out major areas of adaptation action.
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    Lobster hatcheries and stocking programmes: An introductory manual

    Drawing together the UK experience of lobster stocking as well as information from other programmes in Europe and North America, the report provides a sound knowledge base for anyone interested in setting up a lobster hatchery or stocking programme.