SECLG: The role of social audits | Seafish

SECLG: The role of social audits

Date: 12 October 2023

Time: 14:00 - 15:30

Location: Online

Email Karen Green to register for this event
Shining a light or a snapshot in time - this meeting will explore the role of social audits in a Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD) process.

Social audits, specifically third-party audits, have become the preferred approach to verify compliance or non-compliance with third-party certifications and to assess and monitor supply chains. Annual or regular audits are used to assess whether certificate holders are meeting the programme or scheme's criteria. By shining a light, at a minimum, social audits provide a framework for a company to voluntarily set aside resources to address risks in their supply chains, as audits can assess human rights risks and/or compliance with established standards. When conducted effectively audits do provide an opportunity to uncover violations.

But audits can only provide a snapshot of events at the time of the audit and because of that cannot ensure consistent coverage of long-term conditions faced by workers. Critics have called for greater alignment with human rights due diligence processes as set forward in the United Nations Guiding Principles on Businesses and Human Rights (UNGPs) and for a greater role for seafood workers and their representatives in these processes.

Social compliance audits continue to be a widely utilised tool used by global brands and retailers to identify potential labour and human rights risks in their supply chains. This Seafood Ethics Common Language Group (SECLG) meeting will explore the role of social audits, how they can be effectively paired with true worker-driven approaches, and incorporated within a holistic Human Rights Due Diligence (HRDD) process that extends well beyond workplace audits.

Event Programme

Introductions and general housekeeping
Panel discussion
  • David Dietz, Global Seafood Alliance
  • Tim Pilch, HRDD consultant
  • David Hammond, Human Rights at Sea
  • Libby Woodhatch, Marin Trust
Event ends

How to register

To register for this event please email Karen Green, Industry Issues and Communications (link opens in a new window).

Further information

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Seafood Issues Groups

The SECLG is one of a number of Seafish-facilitated discussion forums which focus on the integrity of the seafood supply chain. These groups provide a discussion platform for some of the most important issues facing the seafood industry, particularly in relation to the responsible sourcing of seafood. They are an opportunity for all those involved in the seafood supply chain to reach a consensus on common issues.

Find out more about our Seafood Issues Groups by following the link below.