Issara Institute focus on recruitment — Seafish

Issara Institute focus on recruitment

Issara Institute
As part of its Labour Monitoring (ILM) work the Issara Institute has a strong focus on recruitment.

Fee-free recruitment initiatives. Sept 2016.

A landscape analysis of fee-free recruitment initiatives and employer pays recruitment models, this paper explores the current discussion around fee-free recruitment, including linkages between migration fees and exploitative practice, government and industry initiatives on fee-free recruitment, and discussion of key concerns surrounding free-free recruitment.

Labour recruitment from Myanmar to Thailand. April 2018.

A report published in April 2018 on labour recruitment from Myanmar to Thailand proposes a viable, sustainable financial and partnership model for getting ethical recruitment off the ground in locations such as Thailand where existing practice is ‘worker pays’ rather than ’employer pays’. The research provides insight regarding the current Myanmar-Thailand recruitment channel, prospects for ethical recruitment, and risks and solutions for business and workers that have not previously come to light. Recruitment practices including first-mile debt bondage are a major cause of labour risk and migrant worker vulnerabilities in Thai supply chains, and impacts almost every export-oriented supply chain. In conjunction with this report, Issara has also developed an ethical recruitment program and diagnostic tool to help interested suppliers (and brands/retailers/importers) get on a more ethical recruitment track.

Significance for seafood businesses:

Seafood-specific. This is support for the fair recruitment of workers.

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