Beach Seine
Alternative names
- Drag Net
- Seine
A net shot by hand or from a small boat in a circular shape and drawn ashore by hand from both ends, which targets fish living close to the shoreline.

Environmental impact
Generally an environmentally method of fishing mainly due to its small scale. Usually worked clear of the seabed or with very light contact therefore very little seabed impact. This method of fishing is used in shallow, inshore waters that can be nursery grounds therefore there is the possibility of disturbing spawning grounds or the capture of immature fish. Careful management and use of selective measures should be able to successfully mitigate for both of these.
Other information
This was probably the beginning of seine net fishing. In this method, a net was shot from the shore in a semi-circular shape using a small boat, or in shallow water, by hand wading through the water. Once the second end of the net is ashore again the two ends are hauled together and the net is hauled back on to the shore and the catch removed from the net. Nowadays, this method is used in many small scale fisheries. In the UK, it used to be common place in estuaries for targeting migrating salmon and sea trout, but this has almost died out, only being used in one or two locations in Scotland now. It is used in a few other areas of the UK to target bass or sandeels for bait. Overseas, it is used in many of the artisanal fisheries to target small pelagics that shoal up close to shore.
Gear classification
Main target species (UK)
- Bass
- Salmon
- Sardines
- Sea Trout
Possible bycatch
- Any demersal species