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We found 7 results for "Traceability web guide v2" in Documents

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    Fisheries Control Regulations: Traceability and consumer information requirements

    European fisheries control measures were reviewed and consolidated under Commission Regulation 01224/2009 with further implementing measures provided under Regulation 404/2011. This applies minimum labelling and information requirements throughout the supply chain both up to retail and to the consumer. It does not apply to fishery products imported under IUU regulations nor those that fall under the CN16 customs tariff heading. This document provides guidance on the application of these requirements within the seafood sector.
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    Seafish Labelling Update 2016

    Updated regulation
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    Feasibility of an Aquaculture and Fisheries Research and Development Centre at Brixham Laboratory Final Report: Findings and Recommendations

    The report presents the outcome of a feasibility study, supported by Seafsh, for developing an aquaculture and fsheries research and development centre at a laboratory facility in Brixham. (formerly AstraZeneca’s, but transferred to Plymouth University two years ago). The proposed concept was a full-service operation that could support the UK seafood industry - including fsheries and aquaculture supply chains - with market-led research, development and analytics capabilities.
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    Seafood provenance and authenticity

    Seafood businesses operate in a complex marketplace where the motives and opportunity for criminal activity are manifest and ever-present – in other words; seafood is traded within a heavily risk-laden landscape. This briefing note aims to provide information on the nature of food fraud risks in seafood supply chains and outlines some useful counter-measures that may be deployed to reduce those risks..
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    Automation and the UK seafood industry (full report)

    Exploring the trade-offs between new technology, mechanisation and traditional labour resourcing.
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    English Aquaculture Strategy - full report

    Part of the Seafood 2040 aquaculture strategy for England - this full report includes a review of the English aquaculture landscape and current barriers to growth, along with the rationale and methodology behind the strategy.