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We found 9 results for "Poseidon Landings Obligation Economic Impact JAN 2014 FINAL" in Documents

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    A case study review of the potential impact of proposed CFP discard reform. Poseidon report to Seafish UK, 2013

    The reform of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) introduces a landing obligation to eliminate discarding. The objective of this research, was to determine the potential economic implications of this discards ban on selected case study UK fleets through establishing a) how would the landing obligation affect fleet economic performance, b) at fleet level, and given current discards, what would the quota requirements amount to, and c) identify any ‘choke’ species that could limit operations of the fleet. The report highlights two key aspects of the landings obligation: the restricting effect of so-called “choke” species, and a lack of clarity surrounding the permitted flexibilities contained within the legislation. The results confirm what we already thought: much work remains to be done in order to ensure that we have a fishing fleet which operates sustainably, profitably and in line with the recently agreed landings obligation.
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    Seafish summary of stakeholder activities to create a pathway to the landing obligation under CFP reform. December 2014

    Seafish summary of key players and stakeholder activities to create a pathway to the landing obligation. Covers the devolved administrations, the Regional Advisory Councils, Producer Organisations, Fishermen's Organisations, Scientific bodies, selectivity and data colleciton trials, regional projects, EU Commission and Seafish.
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    Final Minutes DAG meeting 14 October 2013

    Final notes of the Discard Action Group meeting held at The Wesley Hotel, London on 14 October 2013.
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    Final Minutes DAG meeting 2 May 2013

    Final notes of the Discard Action Group meeting held at Fishmongers' Hall, London on 2 May 2013.
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    Alternative Marine Conservation Zones in Irish Sea mud habitat: potential for fisheries displacement and an assessment of habitat condition and potential management scenarios.

    Areas of potential alternative Marine Conservation Zone (MCZ) sites representing mud habitat within the UK Irish Sea regional sea were selected at a stakeholder engagement meeting in October 2014. In order to assess the suitability of these sites within the Irish Sea regional area, existing data were examined to assess habitat condition, variation and how well these meet the mud habitat criteria set by the UK government. Nephrops stock assessment video surveys were utilised along with grab sample data, across both eastern and western Irish Sea areas. Macroinvertebrate community analysis was undertaken on the grab infaunal data, along with analysis of sediment parameters. The level of disturbance was also examined through benthic community assessment relating to successional stage.
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    Seafish Delivery Report 2015-16

    Delivery Report for 2015-16
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    Project Inshore - Stage 3 Strategic Sustainability Review Devon & Severn Inshore Fisheries & Conervation Authority

    This report presents stage 3 of Project Inshore where findings of stage 1’s data gathering on fisheries within each IFCA and the results of stage 2’s MSC pre-assessment conducted for fisheries around England’s coast (involving over 400 different species, stock and gear combinations) are considered to provide a Strategic Sustainability Review tailored to the Devon & Severn IFCA
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    Strategic Framework for seafood waste management

    In late 2004, Defra tasked Seafish with carrying out a review of the options available for managing seafood waste, within the context of waste policy and legislation. This required a review of the types, quantities and origin of seafood waste, consideration of the timescale for industry to achieve compliance and an assessment of the measures required in the interim. This report provides an overview of the current situation and the options available for seafood waste management. It provides a strategic framework for the seafood industry to move from the current difficulties towards the overall strategic aims of reducing waste, minimising costs and maximising revenue. This is set within a 10 year timescale with prioritised short, medium and long-term objectives.
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