Business for Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) | Seafish

Business for Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI)

Foreign Trade Association (FTA)
The Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) is a leading supply chain management system to support companies in social compliance & improvements.

The Business Social Compliance Initiative (BSCI) is a leading supply chain management system with a Code of Conduct that supports companies to drive social compliance and improvements within the factories and farms in their global supply chains. BSCI provides companies with a social auditing methodology and report. It does not organise audits itself but provides a network of external accredited, experienced and independent auditing companies. 

It is an initiative of the Foreign Trade Association (FTA). All BSCI participants are also FTA members. BSCI is a leading business-driven initiative supporting retailers, importers and brands to improve working conditions in supplying factories and farms worldwide. BSCI offers a Code of Conduct and a single Implementation System that enable all companies sourcing all types of products from all geographies to collectively address the complex labour issues of their supply chain.

Significance for seafood businesses:

General principles (not seafood specific) but has focussed on influencing the Thai Government to implement and enforce stricter controls on labour conditions for workers in this sector. It has also dialogued with the ILO to discuss areas for common actions.

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