Seafish response to Consultation on the Marine Strategy Framework Directive; Putting in place the legal framework for implementation — Seafish

Seafish response to Consultation on the Marine Strategy Framework Directive; Putting in place the legal framework for implementation

This is Seafish's response to Defra's consultation on the draft transposing regulations with which the Government and Devolved Administrations propose to transpose the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) (Directive 2008/56/EC).The MSFD entered into force in July 2008 and its requirements must be transposed into UK law by 15 July 2010. It requires Member States to develop a marine strategy, including determining Good Environmental Status (GES) for their marine waters, and designing and implementing programmes of measures aimed at achieving it by 2020, using an ecosystem approach to marine management. The original consultation papers are available from
  • Seafish Marketing
Publication date
01 January 2010


PDF 46.6 KB