Feasibility of an Aquaculture and Fisheries Research and Development Centre at Brixham Laboratory Final Report: Findings and Recommendations — Seafish

Feasibility of an Aquaculture and Fisheries Research and Development Centre at Brixham Laboratory Final Report: Findings and Recommendations

The report presents the outcome of a feasibility study, supported by Seafsh, for developing an aquaculture and fsheries research and development centre at a laboratory facility in Brixham. (formerly AstraZeneca’s, but transferred to Plymouth University two years ago). The proposed concept was a full-service operation that could support the UK seafood industry - including fsheries and aquaculture supply chains - with market-led research, development and analytics capabilities.
  • Goodwin,
  • T.,
  • Roberts,
  • C.,
  • Walmsley,
  • S.
Publication date
01 June 2017


PDF 12.11 MB