FS30_05.09 Innovative sensors to determine fish freshness — Seafish

FS30_05.09 Innovative sensors to determine fish freshness

Fish freshness is typically determined by sensory assessment, which relies on the use of trained assessors. Commonly used schemes include Torry and the Quality Index Method (QIM). The use of non-trained assessors, which is a common occurrence, can lead to highly variable results. As such it is desirable to find an alternative, instrumental method to provide an objective system for determining fish freshness. Ideally any such method should be reliable, rapid, non-destructive and easy to use. A wide number of instrumental techniques have been tested yet few have made it to commercial reality. In this study, several different methods have been used to evaluate cod over time, to assess which has the greatest potential in fish freshness assessment. These included spectroscopy and colour imaging measurement. Campden BRI was funded by Seafish to evaluate the potential of near infra-red spectroscopy and colour measurements as reliable methods of determining fish freshness. NIR measurements were made with a hyperspectral imaging system, and with a conventional bulk system. Colour measurements were made with a calibrated colour imaging system. This factsheet summarises the results.
  • M Archer,
  • A Chau,
  • M Whitworth,
  • C Leadley,
  • S Millar
Publication Reference No.
Publication date
01 May 2009


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