New Fishing Safety Officer for Wales | Seafish

New Fishing Safety Officer for Wales

Jane Devereux appointed to support project to eliminate preventable fishing-related deaths

With a strong passion for health, welfare and safety, Jane Devereux has been appointed Wales Fishing Safety Project Officer by Seafish, the public body that supports the £10bn UK seafood industry.

Jane will be working with the Welsh Fishing Safety Committee (WFSC) to deliver its Wales Fishing Safety Awareness project. It aims is to support the achievement of the WFSC's target of zero preventable fishing-related deaths. The project focuses on commercial fishermen's awareness of key health and safety issues and improving the safety culture in the Welsh fishing fleet.

Jane has lived and worked in Wales for over 30 years. She began her career in environmental science and policy, before following her passion for health and welfare to become a support worker in her local community and Port Officer for the Fishermen’s Mission, a role she will continue to do.

Jane said: “I’m delighted to take on for this exciting role to deliver important work for the Welsh Fishing Safety Awareness Project. It’s a fantastic opportunity for me to add to the support I offer to our fishing communities, in my Mission Port Officer role within the Fishermen’s Mission and now as Seafish’s Safety Officer for Wales.”

David Dickens, Fishermen’s Mission CEO said: “Jane’s new role with Seafish should bring benefits to both organisations and most importantly to the fishing communities of Wales.”

Dr Holly Whiteley, Regional Manager for Wales added: "Working collaboratively with the Welsh Fishing Safety Committee to improve safety in the Welsh fishing fleet is a key element of Seafish’s work programme in the region. We’re thrilled that Jane is joining the team to support on this. Many in the coastal communities know her and she brings a wealth of skills and experience that will allow her to build on the excellent work already undertaken by her predecessor Lee Haigh.”

The role and the wider Wales Fishing Safety Awareness project has received funding through the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund, which is funded by the European Union, and the Welsh Government.

Find out more about the project 

Further info

For further information contact

Jane Devereux
Welsh Fishing Safety Project Officer
T: 0787 603 5750