Funding schemes | UK seafood industry | Seafish

Funding schemes for the UK seafood industry

This page has information on grants and funds that are available to UK seafood and marine businesses and organisations.

Most of the funding and grant schemes on this page are not administered by us at Seafish and we have not included every scheme available. For more funding information, contact the Industry Engagement managers listed below. 

Funding from Seafish 

We can offer some funding for workers and businesses in the seafood industry to do a variety of training courses.

For more information about onshore training courses, visit our onshore training webpage.

For more information about training courses for the fishing industry, visit our seagoing training page. 

A group of fisherman in a classroom participating in onshore training
Classroom and online learning is available.

UK-wide funding from governments and bodies

UK Seafood Fund

In 2021, The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) gave £100 million to a UK-wide funding scheme called the UK Seafood Fund.  

This fund is in place to support the UK fisheries and seafood industries and covers four areas: 

  • Science and Innovation 
  • Infrastructure 
  • Skills and Training
  • Export support

The Science and Innovation and Skills and Training funds have now closed. Round 3 of the Infrastructure Scheme is open until 2 August 2024.

A woman in PPE is working at a seafood processing factory putting fish fillets on a conveyer belt.
Investment in seafood processing is available through the UK Seafood Fund Infrastructure pillar

Infrastructure scheme
At least £65 million in grant funding is available through the infrastructure scheme. The scheme funds projects that build capacity across the UK fishing sector supply chain. 

Relevant to: Any business and organisation looking to invest in ports, processing or aquaculture infrastructure. Round 3 is open until 2 August 2024 and is focused on fleet modernisation through engine replacements. 

Funding is available to:

Organisation responsible: Defra

Follow the link below for more information and to apply:

England-specific Funding 

Fisheries and Seafood Scheme (FaSS) 

The Marine Management Organisation (MMO) administers the Fisheries and Seafood Scheme. The Fisheries and Seafood Scheme is now closed for new applications.

The scheme aims to deliver investment to safeguard the long-term sustainability, resilience and prosperity of the seafood sector across England.

It offers financial assistance for projects that support the development of the catching, processing and aquaculture sectors, and for projects that enhance the marine environment. 

Relevant to: Organisations and vessels registered in England.

Organisation responsible: Marine Management Organisation

More information: Further information is available on the FaSS website and the MMO website.

Other funds available

For more information on other funds available in England, get in touch with:

Gavin Hatton
Industry Engagement Manager – Humberside & East England
+44 (0) 1472 252300
+44 (0) 7871 310331

Scotland-specific Funding 

Marine Fund Scotland (MFS) 

The Marine Fund Scotland (MFS) is administered and managed by the Scottish Government.

The latest information about the types of marine and fisheries grants available, types of projects that can be funded, and how you can apply can be found on the Government website.

For more information, please follow this link:

Find Business Support gives customers an overview of all funding and services offered by public sector organisations across Scotland, conveniently in one place. This makes it quicker and easier for businesses to find the information, advice and support they need, when they need it.

Information is available for businesses of all sizes – from start-ups to established companies, from sole traders to large enterprises, from commercial businesses to social enterprises.

For more information, please follow the link below:

Scottish Marine Environmental Enhancement Fund

The Scottish Marine Environmental Enhancement Fund (SMEEF) is a new financial tool designed to help bridge the nature finance gap.

We enable those interested in the health of Scottish waters to voluntarily contribute to grant pots which are then strategically distributed to projects across Scotland.

SMEEF funds projects that recover, restore or enhance the health of marine and coastal habitats and species from Shetland to the Borders.

For more information, please follow the link below:

Other funds

For more information on other funds that may be available in Scotland, get in touch with:

Jess Sparks
Industry Engagement Manager - Scotland
+44 (0) 1358 729609
+44 (0) 7876 035753
Safety training in an indoor swimming pool
Fishing safety training in Scotland is supported by funds from the Marine Fund Scotland.

Northern Ireland-specific Funding

Maritime Fisheries Fund NI 

For marine businesses in Northern Ireland, there is a £14 million fund called Maritime Fisheries Fund (NI) (MFF(NI)). This is controlled by the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA).  

This fund offers grants for projects in Northern Ireland and is split between: 

  • Investment on board Fishing Vessels. 
  • Fishing Vessel Energy Improvements and Re-engining. 
  • Aquaculture, Processing and Marketing. 
  • Investments to Shore Based Facilities. 
  • Partnership, Information Sharing, Advisory Services, Job Creation and Training.

The MFF funding programme for 2022/23 has now closed. We will update this page when future funds open.

More information: Follow this link to the MFF(NI) website. Follow this link to the DAERA website.

Other funds available

For more information on other funds available in Northern Ireland, get in touch with: 

Sally Chamberlain
Industry Engagement Manager - Northern Ireland
07866 141 872

Wales-specific Funding 

The Welsh Marine and Fisheries Scheme aims to ensure environmentally and economically sustainable growth in the sector and help coastal communities prosper into the future. Applications can be made for a wide range of activities from 11 separate categories.

These include, but are not limited to, funding to increase the potential of aquaculture sites and equipment on vessels aimed at reducing emissions and increasing energy efficiency, and professional advice for businesses ranging from marine environment sustainability to business and marketing strategies. Applicants could also apply for funding for projects to carry out research on health safety and wellbeing needs for the sector.

The maximum grant award is £100,000, with the minimum grant award being £500. The application window closes on 10 May 2024 and successful applicants will be notified during July.

Applicants must be registered with Rural Payments Wales (RPW) Online, where the application and claims processes can be found. Details of the scheme, including guidance, can be found on the Welsh Government’s website.’

Other funds available

For more information on other funds available in Wales get in touch with: 

Noemi Donigiewicz
Industry Engagement Manager - Wales
(+44) 0131 380 4572