Web pages — Seafish

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We found 56 results for "spain" in Web pages
  • Modelling impacts of the rising price of fuel

    Our Chief Economist explains how we’ve modelled the impacts of increasing fuel prices on the seafood supply chain and shares tips on fuel efficiency.
  • Spring 2021 update from Love Seafood

    Our Head of Marketing Greg Smith shares an update on consumer marketing activity and business support delivered via our Love Seafood initiative.
  • Love Seafood results from spring and summer 2021

    An update from our Head of Marketing on activity from our consumer campaigns which ran May to September 2021.
  • To train, or not to train, that is the question

    Raising standards is vital to continued success and Seafish takes pride in how it can help seafood businesses to prosper and grow. One of the ways of doing this is by utilising the skills and knowledge of a Seafish approved trainer.
  • New Developments in Onshore Training

    The last 11 months have seen the onshore training team expand the range of programmes and training resources available to the onshore seafood sectors. There have been developments for fish friers, fishmonger’s and processors and some that provide opportunities across the entire onshore industry.
  • Celebrating women driving seafood consumption in the UK

    This International Women’s Day we’re sharing stories from some of the women behind Love Seafood, our 20-year consumer marketing initiative.
  • How apprenticeships benefit seafood businesses

    In National Apprenticeship Week Simon Potten, our Head of Safety and Training, talks about the apprenticeship opportunities available in the seafood industry.
  • Tackling climate change between the COPs

    Our Head of Responsible Sourcing talks about our ongoing work on climate change and seafood as the 27th UN climate change conference gets underway.
  • Fleet survey diaries: Covid-19 challenges and opportunities

    Joe Cooper, researcher for our annual fishing fleet survey shares the story of a fishermen who adapted his business model in response to Covid-19.
  • Training supports career progression

    Richard Wardell, our Onshore Training Advisor, highlights how training can support career progression.
  • Learning is just a screen away

    The rise of interactive video-based training.
  • What we learned from the first six months of Love Seafood

    Our Head of Marketing shares insights from our evaluation of how Love Seafood consumer marketing activity performed from October 2020 to March 2021.