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We found 28 results for "Tariffs on imported seafood V2 180704" in Web pages
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Seafood import customs, tariffs and VAT
Explanation of new customs, tariffs and VAT rules for businesses moving seafood to Great Britain from the EU. -
Trade agreements and seafood tariffs
Brexit could see changes to trade agreements and tariffs. We have published the potential changes for seafood products from 1 January 2021. -
Seafood export customs, tariffs and VAT
Explanation of new customs, tariffs and VAT rules for businesses moving seafood from Great Britain to the EU. -
Trading seafood under the Northern Ireland Protocol
Explanation of customs, tariffs and VAT rules for moving seafood between Great Britain and Northern Ireland and between Northern Ireland and the EU. -
Seafood trade & tariff data
Our Trade and Tariff Tool has data for seafood imported and exported in the UK. Businesses can use it to research potential new markets. -
I import seafood to Great Britain
Information and guidance on importing seafood from the EU to the UK from 1 January 2021 including labelling, customs and tariffs and documentation. -
I export seafood from Great Britain
Information and guidance on exporting seafood from the UK to the EU including labelling, customs and tariffs and documentation. -
Seafood trade under the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement
The EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement means new rules on how we trade seafood with the EU. This affects customs, tariffs, VAT and labelling. -
Trade Facilitation and Enforcement Act 2015
The Act prohibits all products made by forced labour, including forced or indentured child labour, from being imported into the United States. -
Trading with the EU: Rules of Origin for seafood products
This online session explores the ‘Rules of Origin’ in the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement and how they apply to seafood products. Sign up today. -
Understanding Rules of Origin for seafood
Hosted by our Regulation team, this webinar will help you understand how rules of origin affects seafood products for import and export. -
CLG: Current challenges and future opportunities for seafood
This meeting will look at the current challenges facing the seafood industry, and the future opportunities for the UK catching sector.