Web pages — Seafish

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We found 852 results for "SEAFISH BRUSSELS 210417" in Web pages
  • How the seafood industry can deliver climate change mitigation

    Our Head of Responsible Sourcing talks about climate change mitigation and the importance of low carbon emissions in seafood production
  • Seagoing training and certificates

    We coordinate safety and skills training courses, learning resources and certificates for workers on fishing vessels in the UK. Find a course today.
  • World Oceans Day: Six reasons to celebrate our oceans and seafood

    Our Head of Horizon Scanning talks about the vital role of healthy oceans and seafood in supporting people and the planet on World Oceans Day.
  • Funding support for training in the fishing industry

    Funding may be available for workers on fishing vessels in the UK to improve their skills and safety knowledge. Find out what training we can cover.
  • Bivalve Purification Operations Training

    This one day bivalve shellfish industry course focuses on the requirements needed to safely purify or depurate live bivalve shellfish.
  • Working with us

    Seafish is a public body supporting the seafood industry in the UK to thrive. View our current job vacancies and learn about life working at Seafish.
  • Commercial fishing online training resources

    Free access to online learning resources for those working on commercial fishing vessels in the UK.
  • Trolling

    Trolling is a method of fishing where the boat tows a line or lines with one or more hooks with a natural bait or an artificial lure.
  • A positive week for safety in the fishing industry

    As Maritime Safety Week draws to a close, Dr Lynn Gilmore, Head of International Trade & Regions at Seafish, explains why safety at sea is so important and shares some examples of the great work already being undertaken by the industry to improve fishermen’s safety at work.
  • Seafood Ethics Common Language Group

    Seafish facilitates a Seafood Ethics Common Language Group to establish a common understanding of ethical issues and agree on future action.
  • Modelling impacts of the rising price of fuel

    Our Chief Economist explains how we’ve modelled the impacts of increasing fuel prices on the seafood supply chain and shares tips on fuel efficiency.
  • Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation

    We produce climate change adaptation reports and keep a watching brief on how climate change impacts on UK seafood supply chains.