Web pages — Seafish

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We found 55 results for "Discards NewDevelopments 201404" in Web pages
  • Fishing Gear Glossary

    A glossary of equipment and technology.
  • I catch or farm seafood

    Information and guidance on fish caught or farmed and traded with the EU and Northern Ireland.
  • Seafood Issues Groups

    We run regular discussion groups for people interested in environmental and socially responsible sourcing of seafood in the UK and globally.
  • Catching sector funding carbon footprint research

    Understanding the carbon footprint of your activities is an important first step in identifying areas where changes might be needed.
  • The Seafish levy

    Seafish is funded by a levy on the first sale of seafood products in the UK, including imported seafood. This page explains who pays and how much.
  • Non-executive board members

    Our purpose at Seafish is to give the UK seafood sector the support it needs to truly thrive. Help make this happen by joining our Board.
  • Fishing gear technology and innovation

    We support the UK catching sector and wider supply chain stakeholders to develop innovative fishing gear through collaboration and resource sharing.
  • Seafood import customs, tariffs and VAT

    Explanation of new customs, tariffs and VAT rules for businesses moving seafood to Great Britain from the EU.
  • Seafood trade data

    The UK imports and exports most of its fish and shellfish. We use HMRC data to analyse the performance of seafood trade routes in and out of the UK.
  • UK Fisheries Economist Network (UKFEN)

    We founded UKFEN in early 2011 in order to promote professional exchange between fisheries economists and analysts.
  • Future of Our Inshore Fisheries

    Future of Our Inshore Fisheries (FOIF) is an industry-led project with the long-term aim of transforming how inshore fisheries are managed.
  • I export seafood from Great Britain

    Information and guidance on exporting seafood from the UK to the EU including labelling, customs and tariffs and documentation.