Web pages — Seafish

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We found 234 results for "SEAFISH BRUSSELS 160722" in Web pages
  • Seafish levy review

    We have started formal consultation on changes to the Seafish Levy. You are invited to submit a response to the proposed amendments.
  • Seafish Board

    Details of the Seafish Board including biographies, minutes and register of interest.
  • Seafish work on social responsibility

    Seafish works proactively to improve supply chain integrity across the seafood sector and has a number of key work areas.
  • Seafish Wales Advisory Committee (SWAC)

    The SWAC provides a forum by which the seafood industry in Wales, through its representatives, can input into the decision making process of Seafish.
  • Bivalve shellfish purification

    Information and guidance on building and operating bivalve shellfish purification systems.
  • Information for Seafish levy payers

    The page contains important information for those who pay the Seafish levy including who is liable and how to calculate what you should pay.
  • Seafood trade under the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement

    The EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement means new rules on how we trade seafood with the EU. This affects customs, tariffs, VAT and labelling.
  • Vessels of the Future Forum

    The Vessels of the Future Forum brings together industry, researchers and government to help our fishing and aquaculture fleet transition to net zero.
  • Non-executive board members

    Our purpose at Seafish is to give the UK seafood sector the support it needs to truly thrive. Help make this happen by joining our Board.
  • Businesses and people supported by Seafish

    We support lots of seafood businesses who use our services, advice and campaigns. Read stories from some of the people we’ve recently helped.
  • Who we are and what we do

    Seafish is a public body supporting the UK seafood sector to thrive. Find out how our work can help you and your business.
  • Climate change and the seafood industry

    Climate change is a major challenge facing us all, and we're working to support the seafood industry response.