Seafish Brussels Brexit Update 27/11/2017 – 04/12/2017 — Seafish

Seafish Brussels Brexit Update 27/11/2017 – 04/12/2017

VAT fraud scandal in the UK; Brexit Impact Studies; EU Commission assess Brexit progress on Wednesday; European Council, 14-15/12/2017; The Local Economic Impacts of Brexit; MARQUES publishes Brexit position paper; British Irish Chamber of Commerce launches its big principles for a strong Brexit Partnership; The EU meat industry Hard Brexit scenario; Towards a Belgian position on Brexit: Actively reconciling national and European interests; Commission calls for new public service funding formula post Brexit; Future of UK Trade and Customs Policy Debate; EU, Ireland tell UK to come up with Brexit border plan; Joint FoodDrinkEurope – FDF statement on Brexit negotiations
  • Cristina Fernandez
Publication date
01 December 2017


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