Automated counting systems for use in marine hatcheries — Seafish

Automated counting systems for use in marine hatcheries

The use of image processing and analysis software in aquaculture can reduce time and manpower in the execution of certain repetitive and error-prone tasks such as counting of live feed organisms in marine fish hatcheries. Accordingly, the Institute of Aquaculture in collaboration with Machrihanish Marine Farm Ltd. has developed a software algorithm and image capture system which identifies, discriminates and counts rotifers under laboratory conditions. Rotifers are produced and used as live feeds in marine fish hatcheries and a cost effective automated system has potential for manual use in commercial hatcheries where manual counting is time consuming, tedious and often inaccurate. The objective of this project was to develop a robust, efficient and affordable image acquisition and analysis system suitable for use under practical conditions in the hatchery. The project involved procurement and optimisation of appropriate equipment and analytical image analysis system for on-farm use, and on-farm testing to develop and improve protocols and analytical algorithms to permit efficient use of the system under hatchery conditions.
  • Dr Bill Roy/Dr James Bron
Publication Reference No.
Publication date
01 July 2007


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