Determination of Appropriate Conditions for the Depuration of Razor Clams — Seafish

Determination of Appropriate Conditions for the Depuration of Razor Clams

Trials carried out to determine appropriate conditions for the depuration of razor clams have found that, providing diver-gathered animals are banded and re-immersed soon after capture and kept banded during the depuration process, significant removal of E.coli can be achieved from shellfish artificially contaminated with primary sewage effluent. Shellfish contaminated to class C levels of E.coli achieved significant clearance of E.coli after 42 hours at 10 degrees centigrade and a salinity of 30% and with a shellfish to water ratio of 1:4 (w/w).
  • M. Boulter,
  • M. Pyke,
  • A.Younger,
Publication date
01 May 1999


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