utlook for European brown crab: Understanding brown crab production and consumption in the UK, Republic of Ireland, France, Spain and Portugal — Seafish

utlook for European brown crab: Understanding brown crab production and consumption in the UK, Republic of Ireland, France, Spain and Portugal

This report provides information on the production systems and consumption patterns in the UK, Republic of Ireland, France, Spain and Portugal. Information covers: Stocks (the geographical and ecological context for the source of brown crab – waters of the North East Atlantic concerning the UK, Rep of Ireland, France mainly). Capture production. Transport and distribution (concerning the movement of brown crab between stages of production: road, sea and air). Processing/storage (concerning receiving/preparation/preservation and packing of brown crab) Market/Sales outlet (concerning export/retail/food service/wholesale – UK, Rep of Ireland, France, Spain, Portugal and external export markets). Consumption (concerning in-home and out of home consumption). Waste (concerning the collection/treatment of waste products – including packaging to landfill, incineration, recycling, or composting).
  • A Garrett et al
Publication date
01 June 2015


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