Degritting of King Scallops
- Summary
- Dredged scallops are known to contain ‘grit’ in the form of sand, silt, mud or broken shell. Although washed out in processing, this contamination limits the marketability of these scallops as a ‘live’ product and detracts from their value in comparison with scallops landed by divers. The initial part of this work has confirmed the considerable extent of grit contamination of commercially harvested scallops and that it is effectively removed in the production of a processed product by shucking and washing the meat, but it has also shown that the eating quality of ‘gritty’ scallops deteriorates rapidly if held unprocessed in the shell. This report has been produced from a scanned original and may therefore contain some formatting and other inaccuracies. In cases where this affects the technical content, a paper copy of the original report can still be obtained from Seafish.
- Publication Reference No.
- SR468
- Publication date
- 01 August 1996
- Category
- Technical Report
- .Web-Responsible Sourcing
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