Strategic Framework for seafood waste management — Seafish

Strategic Framework for seafood waste management

In late 2004, Defra tasked Seafish with carrying out a review of the options available for managing seafood waste, within the context of waste policy and legislation. This required a review of the types, quantities and origin of seafood waste, consideration of the timescale for industry to achieve compliance and an assessment of the measures required in the interim. This report provides an overview of the current situation and the options available for seafood waste management. It provides a strategic framework for the seafood industry to move from the current difficulties towards the overall strategic aims of reducing waste, minimising costs and maximising revenue. This is set within a 10 year timescale with prioritised short, medium and long-term objectives.
  • M Archer,
  • R Watson,
  • A Garrett,
  • M Large
Publication date
01 June 2005


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