Documents — Seafish

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We found 57 results for "Razor report" in Documents
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    Determination of Appropriate Conditions for the Depuration of Razor Clams

    Trials carried out to determine appropriate conditions for the depuration of razor clams have found that, providing diver-gathered animals are banded and re-immersed soon after capture and kept banded during the depuration process, significant removal of E.coli can be achieved from shellfish artificially contaminated with primary sewage effluent. Shellfish contaminated to class C levels of E.coli achieved significant clearance of E.coli after 42 hours at 10 degrees centigrade and a salinity of 30% and with a shellfish to water ratio of 1:4 (w/w).
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    Evaluation of Good Handling Practice for Razor Claims

    High-quality razor clams (Ensis spp.) are currently exported via airfreight to the Far East where they command a high price; there are believed to be substantial underutilised stocks around the UK.<brTo assist in the possible development of this fishery, different methods of capture and post-harvest handling of razor clams were investigated to examine the conditions of capture and storage most likely to produce and maintain high quality and viable live animals. The razors used in the study had been either diver-caught or harvested using a commercial fluidised-bed towed razor clam dredge.
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    658 Pacific Oyster Protocol - Technical Report

    The potential impact of wild Pacific oysters on local biodiversity is being raised as an issue that has to be considered in environmental assessments of both new farms and changes to practices by existing farms where they occur in wildlife protected areas. A FIFG-funded project has been carried out by Seafish which focuses on Pacific oyster cultivation in and around European Marine Sites. Working closely with industry and statutory nature conservation agencies, relevant background information was collated (Development of a Pacific oyster aquaculture protocol for the UK - Technical Report and a protocol proposed (Development of a Pacific oyster aquaculture protocol for the UK - Protocol template. Where there could be an impact on protected wildlife and/or marine habitats, husbandry and management techniques have been proposed to mitigate or eliminate any potential impacts. The project complements the ‘Memorandum of Understanding for Appropriate Assessments in European Marine Sites’ that was agreed between the SAGB and Natural England.
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    Project inshore stage 1 report

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    First Interim Report of the Working Group on Electrical Trawling (WGELECTRA)

    The Working Group on Electrical Trawling (WGELECTRA) met in Ostend, Belgium from 21–23 October 2014 to review knowledge of the effects of electrical fishing on the marine environment. This is the report of those findings and suggested recommendations.
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    Report of the Study Group on Electrical Trawling (SGELECTRA) April 2012

    A report on the Study Group on Electrical Trawling (SGELECTRA).
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    Development of a suitable dredge for exploitation of razorfish (Ensis directus) in The Wash

    This report describes a study of the environmental effects of razorfish dredging within a SAC (Special Area of Conservation) under the Habitats directive. The study includes instrumentation, environmental modeling and was used as an appropriate assessment under for the experimental fishery for this species in The Wash.
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    Project inshore stage 1 report species profil

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    Flatfish pulse fishing

    A report on the research results and knowledge gaps of flatfish pulse fishing.
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    2009 Economic Survey of the UK Fishing Fleet

    A comprehensive and detailed analysis of UK fleet financial performance in 2009 with individual chapters on 33 fleet segments.
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    Electrofishing in Marine Fisheries

    This Information sheet describes and discusses the environmental effects and fishery management implications of marine electro fishing with particular reference to pulse trawling for flatfish, hovercran fishing for brown shrimp and fishing for razorclams.
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    Towards a National Development Strategy for Shellfish in England_Executive Report

    In order to formulate a National Development Strategy for the Shellfish Industry in England, the Defra Inshore Fisheries Working Group and Seafish commissioned a preparatory Work Programme of 12 tasks. This report describes the results for six tasks that were assigned to the consultant, Dr R C A Bannister, an expert on the management of the capture shellfisheries and their stocks. Information was supplied by Dr N C H Lake, who has extensive knowledge of the UK shellfish industry and who also interviewed the Sea Fisheries Committees (SFCs) and various members of the industry.